strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ darling give me your absence tonight...oh, please don't.. ]

date: 2002-01-11
time: 11:43 p.m.

her: i'm bored and lonely out of my mind
me: amen.

oh. i am melting. and falling to peices. will someone catch me if im broken and falling?

is there anything to appease the acid rain falling in my stomach. or anyone..please..

so many people talking at once. and some sort of peace in the chaos. . at least i'd like to think so..

him: what do yo u want?
me: i..
me: don't know..
me: it all comes down to that question. always.
him: i think you should start there
him: that's what makes you go through the motions
him: think about physics
him: even if it doesn't inerest you
him: mechanics aren't interesting
him: force, work, torque, friction
him: blah
him: it's boring, it's just a bunch of numbers and derivatives.
him: but you have to do it in all parts of physics
him: even if you're doing theoretical, experimental stuff
him: and that's what's interesting
him: and if you want to solve the questions of the universe
him: you have to do mechanics
him: all the time
him: i'm going to collect chopsticks
him: maybe i'll wake up in the morning for that
him: as long as you believe something, it will get you out of bed. and from my experience it's more inspiring if you come up with it yourself
him: and from what i know about you i think you'd feel more satisfied with pursuing your own goals.

hello..who are you? you've made my stomach burn with question. you've made me look again. thank you so much. oh no.

mood: caustic and lonely

music: "the child is gone" fiona apple

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