strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ (stretched for centuries) ]

date: May. 06, 2002
time: 8:26 pm

hello yellow dears.

i've been dancing all over like crazy to led zeppelin & buzzcocks & elvis costello for the last couple of days - such a funny combo of arteests. bazaam!

i feel so out of touch with everyone - so in my own world, & frankly it's getting a little lonely in here...i really need a tea-party & to dance around with other silly people. & the ocean in a party dress. cheers toe-knee!

it's just getting boring..sorry...

i was collecting my thoughts & got distracted - found something i wrote on notepad:

today is tuesday.

a full week. an empty, yellow heart. monterey all weekend..& the sharp hint of new tears. leaning around in my blue bird kimono, thrashing to please send me anything but signals that are mixed, cuz i can't read your rolling eyes. this bracelet is like a metal slinky - it digs into my wrist.

on the beach. i'll wear a new lace skirt & wander in the sand all weekend. am i more than a lemon?

lemons are sour. am i more than that? untouchable. release. neon. subside. retract, regain, redo, rewind. i find this rut each time.

hope is the thing with feathers, that always flies away from me. but, its magic draws me close each time, i hope to touch you one calm day. & be a feather.



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