strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ (Oh Lady, luck has led you here..and they're so twisted up) ]

date: May. 15, 2002
time: 12:49 am

you know you can follow my voice

through the dark turns and noise

of this wicked little town

it's not cold in here, i know. yet i still carry goosebumps under my polka-dot shirt.

i bought a lovely sea-foam green party.prom dress today. i pranced around all afternoon in it. playing with my yo-yo.

mi mejor amiga, avril, ran around thrift stores. we went to china gardens and bought 20 fortune cookies for a buck. if there is a will there is a way..& then you die.

my eyeballs are so present. so hard. like rocks. stone.eye. okay. & you're my obsession:

adieu for now, birdies.


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