strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ (the junk of the hearts.. #160!! ]

date: May. 30, 2002
time: 6:16 pm

schoooooools out foreeeeeever!

schoooooools out for summmmer!

woot woot! i'm sleeping in my teepee in the backyard from now on.

my head hurts so bad. like a bastard with an axe came & split it in two. didn't zeus's daughter split open his head & was born fully dressed from his skull? that's pretty bad-ass.

i hate the way you make the way i feel inadequate. i hate the way the air gets heavier cuz yr so heavy on my head. i hate the way you think i think its all the same, that's not what i think. i hate the way you talk about how i talk isn't what i'm really saying. i hate this. cease & dessist.

the junk of the hearts/ i've given all of me/ and you crave for more

i'd never give you all of me, cuz then you'd wither up & die.

what would i do with only a year to live? i would blow this popsicle stand, kiss the world, & glitter burn this mofo to the ground.

my friend had a brain tumor. & he died. he was a beautiful guy, he skated fast & flew high. he slammed on the bass & against garage walls. lee-o. now imaginary.

turn the volume up. & drown my head.

summer makes me high...

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