strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ (coaster roller) ]

date: Jun. 01, 2002
time: 5:19 pm

count your blessings, seduce a stranger

not very many people answered my question. whatever.

today was nice. i walked to the rosegarden. there was a wedding. tons of girls in full prommish pastel skirts. boys in tuxes. kids running, bare feet. i feel so clean & summery. in my red kilt & knee socks. shampoo-smelling wet hair & green bracelets. i sipped from a juice box & revelled in the summer breeze. dip your toes in the fountain & lick the air..cuz it's going to be a beautiful try.

i just wish i was doing something real. something that smells like roses & chlorine..pixie dust & rock'n' and coffee..24/7.

the world's a rollercoaster & i wish i wasn't strapped in...

>> ah.lex.crumbled

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