strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ = ..would you like me better? = ]

date: Aug. 05, 2002
time: 10:55 pm

today was fun to the max. classes, as usual. then i met linz after dinner and i found a cardboard box to put over my head. i wore it the whole night and he led me around. it was great fun, inexplicably...

[ me w/ box ]

[ linz w/ box ]

we wandered into some of the studios & looked at some student art. it's in-fucking-credible.

[ paper shop ]

[ <3 ]

why doth no one sign my guestbook?

note to uyen: in response to bob claiming that your desire for gbook messages is materialistic..well, im reading a book on existentialism at the moment & have decided that it's just dandy. since what we've got to work with is material/matter..why not be materialistic? do we have a choice?

{ ah.lex }

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