strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ lines with arrows ]

date: Feb. 10, 2003
time: 12:26 am

in fever
cold waterpulls
i press
the walls exhale, my mind
some memory
a page
a door you
slammed yours six times
and shut mine softly
dirty streets to hold
the hell of teenage feet
reeking, idiocy
a knob turned
here, we pieces like
a game in squares
mine, soiled unto yours
girls /twice removed
between the
and clip-on repose
recieve deceiver
te quiero,
maybe counterfeit/
te quiero, i question
a rogue through the mouth of
pseud - pretenders
falsified in red
the sonnet of us
abled/ a fable,
charmed insensate,
i beckon: louder to the
skirts that wrap as to
asphyxiate the audible
-we delicate beasties
inane, i wait
behind the key-hole
began/ though,
i fight an end
- we secret beasties
te quiero,
i linger.

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