strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ the palpatations of her lover ]

date: Mar. 05, 2003
time: 11:03 pm

she recites it--she recites it like a litany: you're a good man. he forgives her every time she yells too long&loud. 'when they're alone they fight and fuCK and change the sheets'/ recalling conversations with/touch/touch/re/touch/up. furiously flung, bodies, recite--recite their volatile dialogues. played on repeat, among the taxes and the laundry piles. i draw hearts in the mirror fog w/ my fingertip- & in ink around my hives. still. love/breathe oh ferociously. together speaking heavily with adult tongues- weighed down with a child's (im)patience. & i'm grown up.

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