strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ so here i lay dreaming, looking at the brilliant SON ]

date: Dec. 04, 2002
time: 4:22 pm

crouch smoke red shine
drip cloth slight moment
cinnamon burn bone game
crunch crackle sweet scientific
nail pale a trail of robot dots
leading reading goosebump braille
erect upright frightening cold
to touch
untouched retouched airbrushed
a photo eulogy
slanderous edit offensive
hungry look up from
fat-lipped orange boy
mean nothing feel nothing
see seethe
slow motion quiet potion
bottled neglig� for drunken ride
cracked open goodmorning dreams in two

undo this plastic bibliophile
&&find a string-knit ribcage
with blown soggy dictionary clips
clinging to the scarlet sides

/where the spell resides

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