strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ [ stainless ] ]

date: Sept. 11, 2002
time: 9:44 pm

along the walls
of halls/
skirted girls
with lonely mouths
drench the crumbling air with
smells of artificial romance
& temporary friendliness/
with tales so high
of summer heat and sex
and toilet-paper
>chlorine perfect perfume tales
/sky-scraper tales
i join in the smutty demise
of wallpapered envy - though i know
of these tales -
fairy-worthy and
fillers for the dense, quiet mornings
(it's lonely under construction/
under the caution-tape rememberings)
wavering and weary in the classrooms
where the silence feeds
the discomfort of
short stared & long glances/
and with her sad blonde hair
-like dirt & sunshine -
spilling over the desk-edge
closing her heavy lids
she says quietly under
mrs. so&so
"summer is over"


& look at these/ i uploaded them, but wee-en is much more clever than i. see & read/ they are fun-knee.


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