strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ /stor-all ]

date: Oct. 30, 2002
time: 10:11 pm

once empty
i spread the blankets
homespun cacoons
over wood planks folding
flood of lustered lustfolded in around
by machines and leather hands
and fingertips rough from needles
shots fired fire fly flying first i retreat
among the fabric material textile tech-trick
textual mesh flesh
mason synthetic sly fly flying first i retreat
among the tools
sterilized sharp to fling the
softer soft softest of threads
weave clasp purl
pick pull sling wrap pull furl curl purl
knit purl knit purl
strips of elastic to lighten head
and strangle skin into blood rush
he steadies and wipes clean
insertion deadvirus needle
needling of softer soft softest of strings i ring
wring hands
handling needles for
strips of textile tech-tile text-ual
texting textile in sexual textual reflex
reflects zero one into
verbal electric and verbal ink.
lingual fingered linger wrinkle
cramp stamped trampled to pray
reflexes reflected in
gossamer contexture
satin stab needle
hardened warp wood
verbal intercourse.

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