strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ another wasted breath ]

date: 2001-01-24
time: 11:07 p.m.


what's wrong with me. i just want to lie down for a long time. and dream. and pretend it's real. im so sick of being a thing. i want to be a life!

i hate when things die. like that little pearl in certain relationships. and i know that i killed them.

many people look at me with such bitterness and contempt. i am the one, they now. it was my fault. and they can never have that girl i used to be again. the girl i've always pretended to be. and i am over. like a bad bedtime story.

i want to stop using myself. i want to be aware of where i am and who i am. and stop faking this pain. i want to live.

mood: ARG!

music: "this bitter pillr" -dbc

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