strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ being ditched ]

date: 2002-03-17
time: 2:28 p.m.

bad bad bad.

hello, friends. i feel weird now. detatched..and odd. got a giant stick cracked on my nose. meh! sticking my tongue out. marvel at it, fools!

thursday: school = bleh. amelie. walking in the cold. hello, im a fool. bubbles and tapes that smell like nail polish. you forgot the chamomile tea on my counter.

friday: school = bleh. record store, bought "the aftermath" by rolling stones. space cat, bought a poetry book called "the girl with the glass eye". walked to savers. more useless sweaters and soccer shorts. jap a nese food.

saturday: hahaha. weird and nice. went with sophia and leanne to san fran. followed kim and her asshole boyfriend and friends. but, then they went back to san ho...bastards. the night consisted mostly of being ditched. (drunk) boys on a mountain. running in, lying down on, skipping in streets. happy happy time (wuh oh). and dancing to rancid in a parking lot. som brer o. piggy back rides. and nonsense mostly. fun times usa. blah. this entry can bite my ass.

i dont like trying on tuxedos. but..i do like seeing old men in the street that look just like mark twain. close your eyes and pretend i just picked you a flower.


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