strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ in the burning light - entry #100! ]

date: 2002-03-18: mun
time: four: oh two, pee-em

*Rot with repulsion..I'll write the world a brand new song..Look upon your bleak creation..But is it truly me that's come to be the human blasphemy?*

new green soccer shorts. they were only fifty cents. i adore clever children. spring starts wednesday. i feel like someone else. i want to roll around in leaves.

i wanna scream like bjork. swim in the ocean. make yellow cupcakes. summer summer summer. will it get better with the summer?

spring break in 10 days. 10 days...i can't sit still!

let's read a poem together, and then laugh...

-glass eye-

"she's got a glass eye,"
he whispered in my ear
but i'd have never noticed
because she was wearing
black stockings, which i like.
now that i know
i can't help but think
that she'd rock my world
and leave me unable to speak
english, spanish, gibberish
anything resembling a language.
the thing i most think about
is that rather suck on her
high-heeled feet
or lick behind her knee,
i'd clean her fake eyeball
with my saliva
while she flicked her tongue
between my teeth.

-kenn rodriguez

*I'll set the world on fire..And in the burning light..I will write my first love song..And I will feel warmth* -AFI

bye, friends. close your eyes and pretend i just kissed your cheek.

*send me an angel to love, i need to feel a little piece of heaven. send me an angel to love, im afraid i'll never get to heaven* -garbage

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