strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ for what you're not. ]

date: Apr. 04, 2002
time: 10:52 pm

hello there friends.

today was such a gray day. maybe it was the sky - that changed the way my eyes felt. that made my heart sink. maybe it was the way certain people bounce off of each other, the way we crash...& burn. the way we dance in circles & then wonder why we fall. i just want to laugh & forget this week. i wish i had more time to gather things. because now i ask - please give me some time to gather my thoughts...& draw a blank. but, i want more than a blank. isn't that necessary?

it's getting gloomy in here - i think i need a way out. a wat to cool & coo my mind. "i need someone to ease my mind". something to ease. something to sing me to sleep when i just feel heavy & soiled like i do today.

ps.(letters into words into glitter that decays ~ glitterdecay.)- that's some of my photos & such. it's not up & running just the way i like it yet, though.

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