strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ (it's like a disease) ]

date: Apr. 14, 2002
time: 4:24 pm

sometimes i just want to hop in a car & close my eyes. let the wheel go. press my foot on the gas. ooze through the stop-lights. & like slow-motion, make cars spin and crash around me. be smashed from the front, the sides, the back - so all of my windows blow & shatter. & i watch myself fly and float. crawling towards the sky. like a dream.

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You and me it's pulling me down/Tearing me down piece by piece/And you can't see that it's like a disease/Killing me now it's so hard to breathe/Sucking back a cigarette/Thinking about new regrets/Trying to be someone you'd like to be/Passing faces on the road/Where the hell can we still go/Leaves us open to temptation


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i am going to see incubus tonite - i am going to cry glitter & dance dance dance.


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