strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ (eradicated radical) ]

date: Jun. 29, 2002
time: 9:07 pm

so be it, i'm your


she is a limpid dancer...
flowing through cramped forgotten gashes, that you thought you had covered up

long ago.

she is the porcelain faced dancer
that skims & slides with razor toes.
weeping silent eyes - painted permanent/
creating quiet that wreaks havoc
& burns through surfaces.

& then slowly, so easy: packing her bags
with a small persistence

she is the whispered plead of your name
you think you imagine - coming from the next room

she sits, petulant, perturbed
aloof, her eyes fly
like a cats shine radioactive in the dark.

tiny mannequin,
shouting mute
strangling with glassy fingers
wrapped like tight pearled strands.

a tainted heirloom
leaning accross
your pretenses

passed-over, she sees nothing.
she sees all.

and she is yours. and she is independent.
with no strings.

marianette falling, dancing with no outer hands controlling. or maybe, they're tied back.
as to control the controller

your conscious stained.
your lovely fallen fairy wing.
she spilled the balance and asked for a tiny scar in return.
and another.
another, still.

my flesh, to bite - leaving blood on eyelids
and glitter on fingernails.

shifting. and sifting.
digress. to full-circle.

she breaks, you snort her fragile bones.

it is the epitome of your sacrifice.

tiny doll. big mistake.


if that's what i am so far


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