strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ [champion of idiots] ]

date: Jun. 30, 2002
time: 2:32 pm

untitled dreams
that did not ensue me when
when i wanted to be followed
a follower that is not growing in me
like springs bud.

yesterday was me in the ocean. wiped out & smashing. crashing. screaming. laughing. & awkward space.

the cursor is blinking at me. i should be inspired. for there is no school to suck the marrow. but, i do nothing. see nothing, but the window's view from this small room.

i always fill this diary with rants & things that i want. i want stars in my throat. i want a red hot valentine. i want a siamese dream. roses in my hair. side.walk chalk. crayon drawings on brown paper.bags. razor sex. rock n roll. wisdom. annullment from time. silence. smashing sound. aliens. things so impossible...

i found out i was guilty


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