strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ ( forgive me, mother. for i am a charade ) ]

date: Jul. 11, 2002
time: 3:12 pm

confession: sometimes i become obsessed with milk.

secret: i like the taste of blood.

avowal: i talk to myself. (eg: today, i set my alarm for 10am. i have a lot of packing/cleaning to do. i hit the snooze & find myself waking up four hours later. i continue yelling at myself in the shower, agh! you like to fuck yourself super to the max. WITH A CHAINSAW IN YOUR CUUUUNT!. yes, yes. & then i laughed at my craziness)

arcanum: i heart my shampoo.

<3 ah.lex.crumb

p.s. if you're super-cool, ill give you my address in LA, write me leeetters!! of course i will write you back. i always write back (except ashes, cuz im such a room is still a mess..i cant find yr address!!).

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