strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

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date: Dec. 16, 2002
time: 6:33 pm

well, she gave me a few zeroxed articles some fancy hard covered books. i sat in the dark. on a saturday. after the power cords had gone down. waiting for the dead oak to trample my house. the rose bushes hurdling at the windows. throns screeching down glass. soft. candle light. & muddy shoes by the door. i sat in the dark with her collection of things i was to read by monday. a collection of things in such a sickening aire. such an arrogant airy way of telling me what beautiful is. well. i tore it to bits by building my own. i tore it to bits. while they claimed that my art is limitless. that craft is not art. that beauty has boundaries. well. i tore it to bits. (and myself as well). i tore it to bits. & rose two white plastic forks and one cigarette to a translucent lighter. well. i tore it to bits. and placed the bent forms and a cigarette butt between the pages. & will she adjust the grade again? after much debate?

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