strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

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date: 2002-01-18
time: 5:46 p.m.

yesterday i was a paperdoll. and on february 23rd i will be a puppet. wearing a brides maids dress and being clumsy on high heels. ugh.

i had to go for the dress "fitting" yesterday. i really dont like the whole wedding deal and all that stupid stuff like walking down aisles and throwing bouquets and priests and stuff.

i wore this big dress..looking like a little girl trying to be a woman. it hung so badly..i just wanted to leave. the weird seamster lady was pinching me and grabbing me and pushing me and pinning me. and i stood there with my arms spread out and just wanted to cry..i don't know why. this sort of thing shouldn't be so depressing. im not sure why it was.

why can't i even talk to my friends anymore?...i know some of them don't give a shit..but i like to think maybe uyen might. i really don't know. it's so hard to read rolling eyes. and hard to send them too.

"please send me anything but signals that are mixed, cuz i can't read your rolling eyes" -dbc

i signed onto aim just now. and absolutely no one was on. im a party time loser.

"it's saturday night and your friends are all out and you feel like shit cuz they never call..never bloody ever call" -travis


mood: .

music: "so impossible" -dbc

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