strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ getting paid ]

date: 2001-02-17: saturday
time: 4:58 p.m.


pons. medulla. cerebellum. gallery. photographs of found objects. being crazy - drumming on everything in the city with a paint stirrer. laughing with ally. sitting in the back of class on desks.

cookies and cream. orange lion ring. too many kinds of lip-gloss, i don't understand. customized shoes. awkward silences. fingers wrapped like first graders - writing your name in chinese.

new black puppy. playing tag with eight-year-olds in the dark. feeling warm when a little girl says, "why do we look at the stars," and then answers her own question, "because they're beautiful." Getting paid 40 dollars to play. Leaning on each other on the big couch - the puppy on my lap. I hate Mtv. Smile for the camera.

& i can't decide on a way to hold my pencil when i write.

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