strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ falling - falling - falling like mad. ]

date: 2002-02-19: tuesday
time: 8:22 p.m.

"I'm no musician but the pain has been instrumental/ my sense finally tune the instruments of - of - of/ of being lonely, of being lost, of being loved, of being human/ man I could use a metaphor but I can't get beyond this shit/ I could use someone to talk to"

- saul williams

i walked into math class today. it smelled like girl. perfume and lotion. made me feel tired - of this school. and i stayed buried in my hood..sleeping through the class.

it's weird trying to write..thinking about all of the people i know who read this. sifting through the polaroid faces in my mind. i keep forgetting what you look like. and i dreamt about you two nights in a row. i wish i had wings. and i wish you weren't grounded.

what now? what next?

i once slept on a trampoline. one of those giant ones. with some of my friends. and the stars were falling. we laughed at stupid jokes. the stars were falling - falling - falling like mad.

right now seems like a good time for soap and bubbles and radiohead - the bends. bubble-bath.

from beginning to end: saul..

"are your tales of reality worth their sonic laced discussions?"


mood: serenity..for what it's worth.

music: "fake plastic trees" -radiohead

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