strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ to crush you ]

date: 2002-03-06
time: 6:07 p.m.

and disasterous.

why bother writing on these boring weekdays?

wednesday: who cares? it's just a copy of a copy of a copy. and now i want to watch fight club. im reading great gatsby. i love when he invites daisy over for tea and talks about shopping for tea cups and flowers and lemons. it makes me want to go on a picnic. which we planned today at lunch.

dr. hock likes to crush you if you have C's. i want to crush her fingers.

i'm sipping jasmine green tea.

this is a picture of my room. its crazy.

bye people.


mood = rambunctious

music = silence

(i'm having uyen-diary withdrawl..please update friend).

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