strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ Sou um macaco ]

date: 2002-03-19
time: 4:11 p.m.

i wish that i could speak another language, and i could write long entries in it and confuse you to pieces! i'll cheat then. let's try portugese.

Sou um macaco. chamo-me amendoim. eu nao como bananas. nao todos macacos como bananas! em R�ssia, bananas s�o "o shit". eu n�o sou russo. pergunta-se quantos de voc� realmente traduzir� isto. ..i n�o aposta nenhum. o mesmo n�mero nem pessoas que realmente cuidado.

in case you are lazy and won't translate it...i am a monkey! and you better not say otherwise, whore!

"spirit week" is rediculous. i don't see what the big deal is. personally, all of those girls screaming makes me shudder.

i'm an awful friend.

- - - - - 11.24 pm (after a while)

Repugno hoy. soy una copa de la izquierda caducada de caf� en la lluvia. esto hace mi herida de est�mago. y las llamadas de tel�fono.

------ My Original Text ------

i am disgusting today. i am a cup of stale coffee left in the rain. this makes my stomach hurt. and phone calls.

goodnight, angelfish. close your eyes and pretend that we are dancing in summer rain.

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