strawberries cherries & an angel's kiss in spring

[ (apple) ]

date: Apr. 22, 2002
time: 10:20 pm

i feel like twirling & crying- dancing all crazy to swing my tears around. be a little dancer on a thin wire. balancing across the universe. catapulting through the air. is the sky just air, or are there cosmic lovers?

i like to think about stars crossing. i like to hope. sometimes i just feel messy in the end, but sometimes the sky seems so far away & i know it will always be beautiful. beautiful and far, i wonder if thats how everything will remain.

i close my eyes and squeeze my own hand tight - remembering things that i've invented in my head.

but, inventions are invisible - and don't give good hugs.

i'm sorry, is all i have to say for that.

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